Victories Over Homelessness, Divorce, and Debt – FWS014

Coach Ahmad hasn’t had it easy, but he certainly has it good now.

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It started 14 years ago when Coach Ahmad went through a divorce, chose to be homeless, and lived of ravioli and pinto beans for years. He made the decision to work his way out of debt instead of finding permanent residence.

When he experienced the success from small victories, Ahmad knew he was on the right track. He started a budget with pencil and yellow legal pad. He became intentional in his process and started to tithe. He had hope in what he was doing and experienced the victories of paying off debt.

As he started turning his life around he met the woman who would eventually become his wife. They worked together, paid cash for the wedding, and now live in a 4,000 square foot house with four children.

How did he turn it around? He didn’t play the part of a victim.

Ahmad’s victories:

  • Paid off all the consumer debt
  • Paid for his wedding with cash
  • Paid for eight cars with cash
  • Is working on paying for his children’s college (and teaching them to get scholarships)

Ahmad decided he had a choice to be homeless and used the money to pay down debt instead. He chose to pay cash for everything instead of using credit – allowing him to get ahead, not 30 days behind.

What victories do you want from your life?

Financial Coach Ahmad Davis of Coach ConnectionsSchedule your free consultation with one of our expert Financial Wellness Coaches

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About The Author

Steve Stewart

Coach Steve has been helping everyday Americans pay attention, not interest, since 2007 after he and his wife paid off $15k in consumer debt and, using the principles he teaches, they paid off their house in 2015. You will find him using his passion and messaging gifts to create financial education content through speaking, blogging and coaching all over the United States. You can reach him by completing a contact form at